Today we would like to take the time to recognize Mrs. Marijean Hemmert. Mrs. Hemmert is our administrative assistant here at St. James Regional Catholic School. She helps keep operations going smoothly, and is likely the first person you’d see and speak with upon entering St. James.
Mrs. Hemmert has been with St. James for the last six years. She greets visitors, answers phone calls, helps out with various projects, organizes hot lunches and much more.
Mrs. Hemmert, and all of her children (aged 31, 26 and 24) went to school at the former St. Madeline’s school (a parish within the St. James’ community). She has had a connection with our school family for a lifetime!
In her free time, Mrs. Hemmert enjoys a good movie and television show. Her favorite movie of all time is Gone with the Wind. She recently finished the Alias Grace television series as well.
As for her future plans for trips and traveling, Mrs. Hemmert has a trip planned to visit Ireland in 2022. Additionally, due to COVID, Mrs. Hemmert has not been able to get together with her whole family in the last year. She is looking forward to seeing them and spending time with them down the shore.
At St. James, Mrs. Hemmert loves all the support and cooperation between faculty and staff. Everyone at the school works together as a team, and are always willing to help each other. She loves getting to know students and seeing them grow up from preschool to 8th grade. She says each milestone at St. James is special.