"St. James prepared me for high school in many ways. Starting in Pre-K, they teach social skills, basic math and reading, religion, discipline, and empathy. In the middle school years, they focus on pre-algebra, Algebra I (Honors Math), simple biology and chemistry, and world/US history. The school gave me a positive learning environment with its great teachers, weekly electives, and after school clubs. I have wonderful memories from my 10 years at SJRCS!"
- Patrick B. (SJR Class of '19, Cardinal O'Hara Class of '23)
"My education at St. James Regional has done more than prepare me for high school. SJR provided me with a strong education that positioned me to be accepted and excel at an academically rigorous high school. In particular, the Honors Math program gave me the foundation needed to be successful in advanced STREAM courses. I find myself enjoying my classes and looking forward to further expanding my knowledge. SJR instilled a love of learning within me that will always be there/I will have forever!"
- Toni F. (SJR Class of '20, Academy of Notre Dame da Namur Class of '24)
St. James Regional Catholic School follows the curriculum prescribed by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s Office of Catholic Education. Our administration and faculty strive to create an atmosphere of learning which respects and honors all. Each faculty member endeavors to develop specific grade level lessons according to the varying learning styles of the students in each particular grade. In an effort to achieve sound moral values, academic excellence, ensure an atmosphere conducive to academic success, and develop a worthwhile self-image for each child, the faculty creatively challenges and instructs in a manner befitting a professional Catholic educator. The core tenants of faith, excellence, and service compose a St. James Regional curriculum.
St. James Regional enables each student to enrich his or her relationship with God. This relationship will serve as a strong foundation which will empower them to be active members of the Church and enable them to make a difference in our world today. Religion class is included in the daily curriculum. In certain grade levels, students focus on preparation for their sacraments. Finally, our curriculum inclues a monthly virtue program- Ambassadors of Christ. Each month the entire St. James Regional community reflects on and attempts to embody a specific virtue.
Skilled and dedicated teachers
World Language - Pre-Kindergarten-Grade 8
Honors Math
Internet access though the building
Science Lab
STREAM Program
Physical Education
Academic Bees
Science Fair
First in Math
Art Club
Chess Club
Science Club
Drama Club
Lego & K'nex Club
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” (Mk 10:45). St. James Regional students heed the the call to serve others and are encouraged to take an active part in finding ways to best serve their community. Students organize and run food drives, raise money for charitable causes, and take part in service projects as a school community and as individuals.